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To date, we have issued over 1,000,000 forensic DNA test reports!

Certified to the highest standards!

Paternity testing by Eurofins Laboratory is 100% reliable!
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Key Information About Paternity Tests
Paternity tests are most reliably conducted using DNA testing. The test involves comparing the DNA molecules of the child and the alleged father. In certain cases, analyzing the maternal DNA may also be necessary (e.g., if the mother and the alleged father are relatives, or if there is suspicion that the child may be related to the alleged father’s immediate family member, such as a sibling, father, or son). Maternal DNA testing is also required in official proceedings, as authorities like child protection services, prosecutors, and courts often mandate the inclusion of the mother in the testing process.
DNA molecules are identical in every cell of our body and are located in the cell nuclei. Therefore, it does not matter which cells are used to extract DNA. In the past, DNA was extracted from blood samples, but today it is cheaper and simpler to analyze epithelial cells from the buccal mucosa (commonly referred to as a "saliva sample," though it is not the saliva itself that is tested). Instead, the swab collects surface cells from the inside of the cheek lining, and DNA is extracted from those cells.
If it is not possible to collect a standard "saliva sample," alternative biological samples or items used by the individual can be tested (e.g., a glass, chewing gum, used tissue, or glucose test strip). However, this incurs additional costs, and there is a possibility that the laboratory may not extract sufficient DNA. In such cases, the extra cost of DNA extraction from the special sample must still be paid, even if the actual test cannot be completed.
The test results are ready within 4-10 days after the sample is received. The report provides clear information: if the probability of paternity is 0%, the tested individual cannot be the biological father, and paternity is excluded. If the probability is 99% or higher, the tested individual is the child's father. In such cases, due to legal requirements, the report will state, "paternity cannot be excluded for the tested individual," which means that, based on current scientific knowledge, he is the biological father.
In the official version of the paternity test (based on notarized sample collection), the individuals being tested are identified using their photo ID, which is photocopied. During the sample collection process, digital photographs are taken of the participants, recording the exact time and location using GPS data. All parties sign the official documents on-site. Under these conditions, submitting a deliberately falsified DNA sample is not possible.
For mail-in tests with at-home sample collection, this level of verification cannot be guaranteed. In such cases, the provided names are treated as aliases, and the report will explicitly state that the sample collection was not supervised. Consequently, the results are not suitable for official use.
If someone submits another person's DNA sample instead of their own and uses the results fraudulently (e.g., to influence a paternity declaration or denial), leading to a change in legal family status, this constitutes a criminal offense under Hungarian law ("Violation of Family Status," Criminal Code §213) and may result in a prison sentence of up to three years. If we receive information suggesting such an act, we will file a report with the authorities.
When requesting the test, the client signs a request form acknowledging these conditions and agreeing to proceed with the test under this understanding. This procedure is standardized across all DNA-based laboratories in Hungary, as it is regulated by law.
The gender of each tested individual can be determined from their DNA results. Among the analyzed chromosome regions, the final one is the Amelogenin locus, which indicates either XY or XX. If the result is XY, the individual is male, and if it is XX, the individual is female.
Paternity can be determined even before birth through a non-invasive paternity test. This method involves collecting a blood sample from the expectant mother and a cheek cell sample ("saliva sample") from the alleged father, who does not need to be physically present for the sample collection. Fetal DNA is extracted from the mother's blood, then compared with the DNA of the mother and the alleged father to confirm or exclude biological paternity. This test can be performed from the eighth week of pregnancy up until birth.
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